
Cedar is a multi-author & personal blog theme for the WordPress platform. Featuring a minimal, responsive, content-focused design and single-column layout. Available on ThemeForest.

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Cedar is a multi-author & personal blog theme for the WordPress platform. Featuring a minimal, responsive, content-focused design and single-column layout. Available on ThemeForest.


Cedar is a multi-author & personal blog theme for the WordPress platform. Featuring a minimal, responsive, content-focused design and single-column layout. This is an example of a status post, which can be used for short paragraph long status updates, similar to a tweet. More information about Cedar can be found on ThemeForest.

Mike RossMike Ross

WordPress 4.0 “Benny”

Version 4.0 of WordPress, named “Benny” in honor of jazz clarinetist and bandleader Benny Goodman, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. While 4.0 is just another number for us after 3.9 and before 4.1, we feel we’ve put a little extra polish into it. This release brings you a smoother writing [...]

Mike RossMike Ross